
Wednesday, January 1, 2014


“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, 
trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, 
changing yourself, changing your world. 
You're doing things you've never done before, 
and more importantly, 
you're Doing Something.

So that's my wish for you, and all of us, 
and my wish for myself.
 Make New Mistakes. 
Make glorious, amazing mistakes. 
Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. 
Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough,
 or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.” 
― Neil Gaiman

I love this quote by Neil Gaiman!!!  It really resonates with me because one of the things that I learned when making my art is that "You are going to make mistakes."  I have learned that when mistakes do happen and often I might add, that they take my art to another level.  A level that I would not have achieved if it had not been for the mistake in the first place.  A mistake…forces me to erase or paint over it and try again or perhaps to be creative by continuing to paint and make the mistake into something completely different…what many artists call "happy accidents."  Either way, it pushes my creative mind into gear and adds to my artistic experience. 

My wish for each and every one of you for the New Year and the rest of your life is to embrace your "glorious, amazing mistakes!'  Lose the fear (if you have it) that your art "isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect." Quit comparing your art to that of others and start experimenting, learning and practicing your amazing art.  And by all means….do not fear making mistakes!  Mistakes happen…make them part of your art!  


Have you made your New Year's Resolutions yet?  I usually make them and then about half-way through the year…they start to slide.  If you know what I mean. Maybe this year will be different because they are written here and I can keep referring back to them to see how I am doing. 

1.  Paint or draw every day even if it is only 5 minutes.
2.  No new supplies unless they are to replace the ones that I have.
3.  No new journals.  Complete the ones that I have.
4.  Limit buying art books.  I need to read the ones that I already have.
5.  Limit the on-line art classes.  I need to finish the ones I'm in.
6.  Spend less time on the computer and more time on making art!
7.  Try painting with a credit card or pallet knife.  Make it loose and edgy!

Whew!  I could go on and on but then they wouldn't be very realistic.  I think that these are pretty realistic except for #6.  I spend way too much time looking at all the pretty things on Pinterest which leads to discovering new art and other people's blogs.  So it's not all bad.  Is it?  Oh!  Oh! I think that I'm in trouble if I'm already trying to rationalize it.  lol!


Before I sign off I wish to include a collage that I put together last year to include in my "Teesha Journal" (doesn't it sound ancient when it was only completed last week?)  Anyway, I hope that you enjoy it. 

Have a Happy New Year!!!



  1. I love your art journal page! And your new years resolutions...very recognizable! Could have been mine...only I quit making resolutions for 2014..please keep on going with these great collages.

    1. Thank You Sandra! I know a lot of artists that can relate these New Year's Resolutions. We want to do it all! I think one resolution should have been "Just Do It." lol

  2. Love how you work your quote around the images. I am not very brave about using my own lettering - a New Year's Delusion for me. I am working on your technique - draw it , make it fat, add serifs - and my letters are beginning to look slightly less wonky. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you Deb! Lettering does take practice…my lettering has improved quite a bit! Keep practicing and soon you will be amazed at how great it looks. Hugs!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you my friend! Happy New Year to you too and keep making your beautiful art!
