
Friday, April 12, 2013


Page three is done!!!!  I hope that I can keep the momentum going.  I have a tendency to get stuck when it comes to adding the text.  I don't know may be because I wish that I was better with speaking from my heart and letting the words flow without feeling that I would be exposing my personal thoughts.

I know that I can use quotes and I DO!!!  ALL THE TIME!  But somehow, by using quotes it seems that the journal page then becomes an art piece...the significance or meaning of the journal then becomes something different..not what I would hope it to be.  I know that I am not alone in this feeling so if anyone knows of an exercise or class that would be helpful...please let me know.   What do you do?  Do you use quotes or do you write freely from the heart?  Also what do you write about?

Anyway, not meaning to get into a discussion of what a journal should or shouldn't be...this journal like the many others that I own and continue to work in has become a place for me to experiment with different art tools and lettering styles.  It is through this practice that I hope to find a lettering style that flows freely from my hand and without triggering my inner critique.

Doodled over the existing art.

Added color using Inktense pencils and Sharpie Glitter Pens

Added quote over Gesso tinted with acrylic paint.

Until Next Time,


  1. Beautiful page! Love the colors you used! Just found your blog via Pinterest and joined to keep up with your creative spirit!

    1. Thank you Rhonda for your lovely comments!! I am really having fun with this altered book...It seems to jump- start my creativity because I love incorporating what is already there. You are one of my classmates in 21 Secrets and Letter Love 201. I am going to meet Joanne Sharp in St. Pete this Thursday. Can't wait. I have taken ALL her classes. Love! Love! Love!
