
Wednesday, February 6, 2013


This is just too good not to share.  A friend of mine gave me a box of supplies to make Pysanky eggs.  You know, the Ukrainian eggs with intricate designs that are applied with melted wax and dyes.   I don't plan to make the dyed eggs but being a mixed media artist and one who loves to repurpose, I couldn't turn down this treasure.  I still don't know how I am going to use the dyes (I need to research this because the dyes are labeled toxic) but I'll soon figure it out.

Anyway to the point!  In the box was a gadget made from a cardboard box lid with nails sticking up from it which I gathered was made to sit the egg on to dry. What a wonderful idea!!!!  And....since I am currently in the process of painting paper mache eggs for my Easter Egg Tree, this couldn't have come at a better time. Quite honestly, I couldn't figure out to paint the entire egg in one sitting and I dreaded painting half the egg and waiting for it to dry in order to paint the other half.  I am a very impatient person about some things.

The gadget that I found in the box would only hold one egg so I decided that I would make one that could hold several eggs at one time.

This is how I made the egg holder:

I used a small 4" X 4" jewelry box and flat head nails.  I think roofing nails or upholstery tacks would be perfect but I couldn't locate either in my stash.  (Being the impatient person that I am, I couldn't wait until I made a trip to the hardware store.)

I used a pencil to make a grid to locate where I was going to position the nails. Then from the top of the lid, with the lid still on the box, I pushed the nails through to the inside of the box.  And there you have are done.  It's as simple as that!  Easy Peasy!!!

I know that I will use this box for drying items besides eggs and the nice thing about it is when not in use, the pointed side of the nails are inside the box where nobody can get hurt!!!

Until next time......

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