
Saturday, February 16, 2013


Well, I put my nail bed to good use this week painting egg owls to give as Valentine presents.  Not egg-exactly the Valentine present that you would expect but the recipients were thrilled none the less... and with Easter around the corner, I bet they put them to good use.

For the past two weeks my art friends and I have been painting and decoupaging eggs.  I wish that I thought to take pictures of the other members eggs because they are just stunning!!!  (Maybe a future post.)  Anyway, I thought that I would show you the eggs that I painted.

My inspiration for the eggs came from rocks painted by Olga Sugden, Goldeneggstudio.  Olga is an unbelievably talented artist whose work I first noticed on greeting cards and have since discovered her beautifully painted rocks. My love for owls and whimsical faces made these a natural choice to paint and hang on my wire tree (and to give as presents).

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