I feel like Cinderella who had to leave the ball early! I just returned from St. Petersbutg, Florida where I attended two classes, Decorative Doodle and Whimsical Watercolor, given by the divine Ms. Joanne Sharpe. It was MAGICAL!!! Magical because I finally got to meet Joanne in person after taking ALL her on-line classes and magical because I finally feel like "I got it!" I finally see how to make deliciously loose paintings by holding the brush differently and by seeing the amount of water needed to float the watercolor pigment.'' No scrubbing with the brush!!! Two very important things that I just didn't pick up from the videos. Not that she didn't show us how in the videos but for some reason, it just didn't register with me....but seeing it demonstrated in person ...something just clicked!
If you ever get the chance to take a live class from Joanne...jump on it! You will just love her!!! If you are considering taking one of her on-line classes...you will love that too!
Here is a peek at what I worked on in class:
Painting with the Koi Watercolor set |
Drawing doodles |
Trying out different mediums for backgrounds. |
Putting it all together. |
Well, it has been a little over a year since I took my first on-line class from Joanne and I can honestly say that my art has loosened up quite a bit....and the COLOR...ooooh, the color...it is much, much brighter. I used to paint in pastels because I was afraid of going too dark. You can always darken a light painting by adding more layers but it is more difficult to lighten a dark painting once the darker color hits the paper. I was playing it safe!!!
Also, I must admit that half way through Joanne's on-line classes, I pretty much gave up and said that my paintings will never be loose and whimsical like hers...I am what I am....a former graphic artist who is used to drawing every line and detail with exactness. An artist who drew with ruling pens and T-squares and was hung up on neat and clean!!! Now...after taking a class in person, I see HOPE!
I know that with practice I will eventually achieve the looseness that I was hoping for when I signed up for that first class. Thanks Joanne!!!!!
Until next time!